Nathalie Goldstein

„Female power in FinTech“

Nathalie Goldstein – balanceUP Interview – *international edition

Nathalie Goldstein co-founded Software Spinner GmbH, which focuses on solving everyday, real-world problems. As the Founder & CEO of MyExpatTaxes, and as a women in Tech, she always felt a need to prove herself in the past, often resulting in overworking and guilt.

Now as a recent mum, she has learned to say No to anything that is not relevant! It’s all about the balance, she highlights in the interview with Ruth Gabler-Schachermayr (in an English version).

Working parents are super productive is what Nathalie believes in, because they know how to be efficient. How she first juggled with the sleeping schedule and working at night and why she didn’t share that she was having a child in her first meetings is what she shares openly in the interview.

It’s definitely worth listening and getting inspired by the female leader of one of Austria’s most successful international tech startup! 

„Don’t try to do everything, just focus and also trust your team!“

What means balancing entrepreneurship & family?

Balancing entrepreneurship & family life to me meant in the beginning working when my daughter was sleeping, but being there when she was awake. You need  to take advantage of working from home, if possible. And most importantly, have a good support system, including family!
Don’t take for granted how important that is.

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Exhausted, determined and happy!

What are your wishes for the future?

Austria’s system is already so much better than the US. The change is that people are more open and understanding! Let’s have more people talking about it and accepting it. We need a flexible work schedule – not all companies are like mine. So we need more role models to say „Yes, it is possible“ – and need companies to adapt to that and more! And yes, of course, we also need more female founders 😊

Interview with

Nathalie Goldstein

Entrepreneur in FinTech, Founder & CEO

Nathalie Goldstein is the Founder & CEO of my US Expat Taxes. She was recently recognized as an outstanding leader and new member of the FORBES Finance Council. As a young mother, and expat, she promotes entrepreneurship and family life also in her own company and wishes for more role models and female founders.

Fotocredits: WomenoffinTech (Header)

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